Regular Blood Pressure Measurement Is Important
There are factors changed, for example if you do not smoke and are dropped, then the risk of heart disease less. Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries, which are the organs of oxygen and nutrients.
To the heart not to needlessly exhaust, the blood pressure should not exceed 14/9 (when this is expressed in inches of mercury often happens in millimeters - in this case, so 140/90). At higher values, one speaks of arterial hypertension.
Your blood pressure regularly (to) measure is important because hypertension often causes no obvious symptoms.
Important News About The Blood Pressure Scam
40 percent of patients do not even know that his blood pressure is elevated. To reduce the pressure, the doctor prescribes medication. It is also wise to keep the weight under control and exercise regularly.
The arterial blood pressure is best sitting or lying measuring and rest after 5 to...