Tips For You To Have Healthy Blood Pressure  

Tips for you to have healthy blood pressure are as follows:-

•    Hawthorn improves coronary blood flow, oxygen supply, and the performance of the heart muscles.

•    Pursue an ideal weight after.

•    Eat mostly evening light meals that are rich in potassium (lots of veggies). Delete salt as much as possible.

Coronary sclerosis - The coronary vessels (also called coronary arteries) supply the heart with oxygen-rich blood.

When the arteriosclerotic vessels constrict, this leads to deterioration in blood flow in the heart and to a poor relationship between oxygen demand and oxygen supply can be the result of the heart muscles.

Attenuation is or in an advanced stage, even damage If this process continues to go through it can even lead to a heart attack: the leading cause of death in industrialized countries.

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Healthy tips:

•    Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) helps the coronary blood flow and thus improves blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle Therefore, this accompanying used.
•    Furthermore, as in arteriosclerosis.

Arteriosclerosis / atherosclerosis - Arteriosclerosis actually means a morbid change in the vessel wall. Deposition of cholesterol, fat, platelets, calcium and other substances thicken and calcify the inner wall layers.

As a result, they constrict the vessels, reduce the blood flow and increase the risk of the formation of blood clots.

The risk is facilitated by a lack of exercise, obesity, elevated blood lipids, elevated blood pressure, smoking and diabetes but also by frequent infections.

If you disable these factors or decreases, therefore slows the aging process of the vessels.


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Hypertension Study

Added of the island revealed that the ratio of pressure measurement vary between individuals and the nature of their illness, for example, the proportion of 140/90 is high, figure lower (here 90) If increased ten points for the normal... Continue →