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Participants, who received special education, knew more what the three key measurements. They knew better what their personal values for HbA1c, blood pressure and cholesterol.

In addition, they had a much better understanding of what their personal values should be (target values).

What are the conclusions and what does this study add? Special education improves knowledge and understanding of HbA1c, blood pressure and cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes.

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In special education, the officers use weather symbols and imagery exercise participants with practical examples.

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That way of giving information encourages people with diabetes to actively learn. As a result, their knowledge and understanding considerably better than when people get standard information in a conversation without imagery and exercises.

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According to the researchers, the special education works better because people should actively participate, rather than just passively listen to a story.

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The information is so much better hang up. The researchers say there is at the effectiveness of special education should be different people and circumstances still more extensively tested.

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Walk to work reduces risk of diabetes and high blood pressure - People who walk to work, 40% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people who go to work by car.

This emerges from a study of more than 20,000 people in England. It is known that high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and to contribute to a greater risk of cardiovascular disease.


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Self-Measuring Blood Pressure At Home

You must have to get agree that self-measuring blood pressure at home once a month. So you can see if the drugs work well themselves. Which electronic sphygmomanometer? If you are self-monitor blood pressure at home, it is important that... Continue →