Be Alert With Certain Foods To Get Maintained Blood Pressure  

Be alert to finally vegetable oils are processed into ready-to-eat food. These are for example, cake and soup.

In the food vegetable oil often ‘cured’; in other words converted into a solid form. This curing process changes healthy polyunsaturated fats into saturated compounds.

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This results in trans-fatty acids. Hydrogenated vegetable fats can be identified on the label as “hydrogenated vegetable oil”, “partially hydrogenated fat” or “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.” Try to avoid these products.

Cholesterol from the store:

•    Olive oil; the fatty acids in olive oil works with cholesterol, these fatty acids are also found in avocados, hazelnuts, almonds and macadamia nuts.

•    Oily fish; the omega-3 fatty acids in herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines reduce the level of fat in the blood.

•    Oats; the fiber from oats, oatmeal, oat flakes and muesli lower cholesterol.

•    Legumes and vegetables; the soluble fibers influence the cholesterol and glucose content of the blood favorably.

•    Artichoke, chicory and endives; the bitter substances in these vegetables help the excretion of cholesterol by the liver.

•    Purple vegetables; the dye which eggplant, grapes and berries turns purple, reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood. These fatty substances attach themselves, as well as cholesterol, on the artery wall.

•    Garlic; the substance allicin in garlic helps to lower cholesterol is good for blood pressure and keep blood vessels elastic.

•    Soybean; the proteins in soy products keep blood vessels flexible.


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