Non-Stable Blood Sugar And High Blood Pressure  

It was already known that a healthy blood pressure reduces the risk
of heart disease, and that a stable blood glucose levels reduces the
risk of disorders of the small blood vessels.

The extent to which
a stable blood sugar contributes to the risk of diseases of the large
blood vessels so far has been less clear.

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find out, the researchers held a number of years, people with type 2
diabetes in the eye, and they kept track of how many of them had heart

How and which has done the research? The researchers
took 4,753 people with type 2 diabetes for six years in the holes at the
start of the study, none of them cardiovascular diseases.

participants were divided into two groups: one group with a stable blood
sugar level and blood pressure sound, and a group with a non-stable
blood sugar and high blood pressure were always kept when a participant
received a cardiovascular disease. At the end of the study, both groups
were compared with each other.

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are the results? Participants with stable blood sugar levels and
healthy blood pressure had on average 33% less likely to have heart
disease than participants with unstable blood sugar and high blood
pressure. More specifically lowered blood sugar levels stable and
healthy blood pressure, the risk of heart attack by 28%, the risk of
complaints due to narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart by
31%, and the risk of stroke by 38%. The risk of death did not differ
between the two groups.


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Regular Blood Pressure Measurement Is Important

There are factors changed, for example if you do not smoke and are dropped, then the risk of heart disease less. Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries, which are the organs of oxygen and nutrients.To the heart not... Continue →